Our philosophy here is to keep things simple
Calf rearing kept simple
We understand the "ins and outs" of calving and calf rearing along with the stress that comes along at this time of year. This is why we feel passionately about keeping things as simple as possible.
Calf rearing in the 21st century can still be made simple. Many people want to advise on different methods, systems and new developments on what is actually a very basic skill to know. First and foremost, think about good nutrition, age and stage, and what they should be having, just as nature intended it.
You can not go past warm, clean, draught proof pens. Feeding of gold colostrum, moving to pooled colostrum and then whole milk for up to 10 - 12 weeks of age.
This is where Homeopathy can be so helpful. We have a great product, SC Combo, this assists the calf’s gastrointestinal system. It’s a combination product that assists calves with milk consistency changes that they experience over their first 4-6 weeks of life. It is so easy to administer and I have seen good results in my own calves. It works with the calf’s system to absorb the milk and only need to be used once a day.
If the calf rearer suspects a virus or bug within the pens, then again, homeopathy can be very helpful to assist them through this process. Management is also of paramount importance but we have some basic products to help you through the issue.
We know calf rearing and we know our products well.
Calf Combo
This is a well rounder product that suits the growth needs of the calves initial development stages. It is something to consider to assist when strengthening animals from a young age, to help build resilience and a stronger animal moving forward.
We recommend using once a day for 4 consecutive days and the on two days of the week until weaning.
SC combo
We highly recommend this product to be used by all calf rearers. This is best used when feeding pooled colostrum to assist the calf with the inconsistencies in the milk that can cause nutritional scours.
We recommend using it once a day for the first 2 weeks and then once on two days of the week until weaning.
Travel Combo
This is an extremely versatile product used for calves and cows to assist with calming and settling when coming into the shed or when there are changes in the daily routine.
We recommend using this in the colostrum for the calves on day 1. It would then be used on one day of the week until weaning or when there will be changes coming in the normal routine.
Reference Sheet
This laminated poster is a invaluable reference guide to hang in the calf rearing shed to give an indication of what product to use to assist calves with common symptoms.

Homeopathic Farm Services Ltd is a small, unique, innovative business supplying quality homeopathic products and professional information, education, guidelines and support in the safe and effective use of homeopathy.
+64 7-858 4233
2 Depot Street, Tirau 3410, NZ
08:30 - 15:30